Click here to see our available rescue dogs
(Updated Daily!)
You can meet the rescue dogs at our weekend adoption events, or by appointment at the sanctuary.
Beagles and Buddies Sanctuary
23430 Hwy 18
Apple Valley, CA 92307
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/n5Jiq
Email: beaglesandbuddies@gmail.com
Just wanted to send you an updated pic of Wynter with her little buddy, Poncho. My husband and I adore both of them, and they are totally inseparable. Wynter is a total "daddy's girl". Both have us completed trained to their liking. Our home will never be tidy again. There are always toys and chewies everywhere. We wouldn't have it any other way. They have their own "baby" books and an assortment of clothing! (A girls got to look nice when she goes out!) Wyn doesn't like to be dressed up as much as Poncho, but she doesn't mind bandanas. I've started calling her Wynifred when I am trying to get her attention. She's got that stubborn terrier side to her--very selective listening! Thanks again for all the extra work you had to do to have her sent to us here in Idaho!
Sharon Willoughby and the "babies".
